Spellcraft Map Review

By: A.A.B



Spellcraft is a good map overall. The map contains spells used to defeat dangerous monsters, such as skeletons, Mechs, Rats, Spiders and Sorcerers. You need to defeat these monsters in order to continue to the next rift. While defeating monsters you will collect different items with seemingly no purpose, these items can be turned into essence, the map’s currency. The first part of Spellcraft is fun, defeating tons of monsters, completing rift after rift, and becoming more powerful.

 After completing 100 rifts you unlock a boss fight. After defeating the boss, you need to reenter the “lobby” and basically you have the choice to either fight the boss or play infinite rifts. During all this you find books revealing the story. You find that the story tells you that your stuck in an infinite loop, in the last book the final words are “But at last, after so long, I am free. And I have gained so much power. All I need to do is approach the mirror, absorb that power into me, and at last, I will be a god. I will never make a mistake again. I shall become Perfection.” which messes with the end of the map because when you exit to the “lobby” the map doesn’t reset AND you don’t become a god.

 Other than that, it is a good map with impressive builds, powerful spells and fun fights. My final rating is 6|7. If this map sounds fun to you, I hope you buy it and enjoy it. Ciao! -A.A.B