By: Anonymous Author
Day One
Hello world! My name is Steve and my goal is to defeat the dangerous legend, the Ender Dragon. This is my first day of keeping a journal of my Ender Dragon quest. So, let me give you a status report:
Armor: full iron
Tools: full iron
Attempt: 0
Note: I have 6 diamonds and 15 leftover iron
Ok, that is my status report. I will have one every day so future readers of this journal will know my progress. My current mini-goal (I should add that to the status list!) is to get full diamond armor and tools. I already have a small farm, a cow pen, a sheep pen, a small house and a mineshaft. I’m going to go mine for diamonds, next entry coming soon!
Day one part II
Ok, mining went… well. I couldn’t find any diamonds but I finally found coal. A LOT of coal. It was the only thing I found, other than a few iron and redstone. At least I didn’t die. So, I guess that raps it up for the day. I’ll make sure to write every day.